
A plugin-library for the Simphony framework ( to provide visualization support (using of the CUDS highlevel components.

Build status Test coverage Documentation Status


Simphony-paraview is hosted on github:


  • paraview >= 3.14.1
  • simphony >= 0.2.1

simphony-paraview is known to work with paraview 3.14.1 (official) and paraview 4.1.0 (paraviewopenfoam) on Ubuntu 12.04 (precise). Paraview 5.x is currently not supported. Installation instructions are provided below.

Paraview 3.14.1

sudo apt-get install paraview

ParaviewOpenFoam 4.1.0

sudo sh -c "echo deb precise main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openfoam.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install paraviewopenfoam410

Optional requirements

To support the documentation built you need the following packages:

Alternative running pip install -r doc_requirements.txt should install the minimum necessary components for the documentation built.


The package requires python 2.7.x, installation is based on setuptools:

# build and install
python install


# build for in-place development
python develop


To run the full test-suite run:

python -m unittest discover


To build the documentation in the doc/build directory run:

python build_sphinx


  • One can use the –help option with a command to see all available options.
  • The documentation will be saved in the ./build directory.


After installation the user should be able to import the paraview visualization plugin module by:

from simphony.visualization import paraview_tools


  • Paraview contains a separate python runtime called pvpython. which python should we use?

    simphony-paraview is tested and developed using the system python on Ubuntu 12.04. In theory one could install simphony and simphony-paraview on any other python 2.7.x runtime like pvpython, but you will need to build all dependencies against the pvpython runtime environment.

  • When using paraviewopenfoam and the system simphony-paraview does not work, whats wrong?

    Openfoam paraview does not make the provided python packages available to the system python thus in order to use the simphony-paraview plugin from the system python one needs to change the following environment variables:

    export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/opt/paraviewopenfoam410/lib/paraview-4.1/site-packages/:/opt/paraviewopenfoam410/lib/paraview-4.1/site-packages/vtk
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/paraviewopenfoam410/lib/paraview-4.1

Known Issues

  • Intermittent segfault when running the test-suite (#22)
  • Pressing a while interacting with a view causes a segfault (#23)
  • An Empty window appears when using the snapshot function (#24)

Directory structure

  • simphony-paraview – Main package code.
    • core – Utilities and basic conversion tools.
  • examples – Holds examples of visualizing simphony objects with simphony-paraview.
  • doc – Documentation related files:
    • source – Sphinx rst source files
    • build – Documentation build directory, if documentation has been generated using the make script in the doc directory.

User Manual