Source code for simphony_paraview.core.cuba_data_accumulator

import logging

import numpy
from paraview import vtk
from paraview.numpy_support import get_vtk_array_type, create_vtk_array
from simphony.core.cuba import CUBA

from .cuba_utils import supported_cuba,  default_cuba_value
from .constants import cuba_value_types

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CUBADataAccumulator(object): """ Accumulate data information per CUBA key. A collector object that stores :class:``DataContainer`` data into a vtkPointData or vtkCellData array containers where each CUBA key is an array. The Accumulator has two modes of operation ``fixed`` and ``expand``. ``fixed`` means that data will be stored for a predefined set of keys on every ``append`` call. Where ``expand`` will extend the internal table of values whenever a new key is introduced. Missing values will be stored using :func:`~.default_cuba_value`. .. rubric:: expand operation >>> accumulator = CUBADataAccumulator(): >>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=34)) >>> accumulator.keys set([<CUBA.TEMPERATURE: 55>]) >>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(VELOCITY=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) >>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=56)) >>> accumulator.keys set([<CUBA.VELOCITY: 21>, <CUBA.TEMPERATURE: 55>]) >>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.TEMPERATURE]) array([ 34., nan, 56.]) >>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.VELOCITY]) array([[ nan, nan, nan], [ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [ nan, nan, nan]]) .. rubric:: fixed operation >>> accumulator = CUBADataAccumulator([CUBA.TEMPERATURE, CUBA.PRESSURE]) >>> accumulator.keys set([<CUBA.PRESSURE: 54>, <CUBA.TEMPERATURE: 55>]) >>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=34)) >>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(VELOCITY=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) >>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=56)) >>> accumulator.keys set([<CUBA.PRESSURE: 54>, <CUBA.TEMPERATURE: 55>]) >>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.TEMPERATURE]) array([ 34., nan, 56.]) >>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.PRESSURE]) [nan, nan, nan] >>> accumulator[CUBA.VELOCITY] KeyError(...) """ def __init__(self, keys=(), container=None): """Constructor Parameters ---------- keys : list The list of keys that the accumulator should care about. Providing this value at initialisation sets up the accumulator to operate in ``fixed`` mode. If no keys are provided then accumulator operates in ``expand`` mode. """ = vtk.vtkPointData() if container is None else container self._cuba_types = cuba_value_types() self._number_of_items = 0 if len(keys) > 0: self._keys = set(keys) & supported_cuba() self._expand(self._keys) else: self._keys = supported_cuba() self._expand_mode = len(keys) == 0 self._cubas = None @property def keys(self): """ The set of CUBA keys that this accumulator contains. """ if self._cubas is None: data = self._cubas = set( CUBA[data.GetArray(index).GetName()] for index in range(data.GetNumberOfArrays())) return set(self._cubas)
[docs] def append(self, data): """Append data from a ``DataContainer``. If the accumulator operates in ``fixed`` mode: - Any keys in :code:`self.keys()` that have values in ``data`` will be stored (appended to the related key arrays). - Missing keys will be stored with the returned value of the :func:`~.default_cuba_value`. If the accumulator operates in ``expand`` mode: - Any new keys in `Data` will be added to the :code:`self.keys()` list and the related list of values with length equal to the current record size will be initialised with the returned value of the :func:`~.default_cuba_value`. - Any keys in the modified :code:`self.keys()` that have values in ``data`` will be stored (appended to the list of the related key). - Missing keys will be stored with the returned value of the :func:`~.default_cuba_value`. Parameters ---------- data : DataContainer The data information to append. """ if self._expand_mode: new_keys = set(data.keys()) - self.keys & self._keys self._expand(new_keys) self._cubas = None self._append(data) self._number_of_items += 1
[docs] def __len__(self): """ The number of values that are stored per key """ return self._number_of_items
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get the list of accumulated values for the CUBA key. Parameters ---------- key : CUBA A CUBA Enum value Returns ------- result : vtkDataArray An array of data values collected for ``key``. Missing values are assigned the default value as returned by :function:`~.default_cuba_value`. Raises ------ KeyError : When values for the requested CUBA key do not exist. """ container = array = container.GetArray( if array is None: message = 'Could not find values stored for {}' raise KeyError(message.format( else: return array
def _expand(self, cubas): size = len(self) for cuba in cubas: default = default_cuba_value(cuba) temp = numpy.asarray(default) vtk_type = get_vtk_array_type(temp.dtype) array = create_vtk_array(vtk_type) array.SetNumberOfComponents(temp.size) array.SetNumberOfTuples(size) array.SetName( for index, value in enumerate(temp.ravel()): array.FillComponent(index, value) def _append(self, data): for cuba in self.keys: default = default_cuba_value(cuba) array = self[cuba] value = data.get(cuba, default) temp = numpy.asarray(value) array.InsertNextTuple(temp.ravel())