Source code for simphony_paraview.core.constants

import enum
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy
from paraview import vtk
from paraview import vtkConstants
from paraview.vtk import io

from .cuba_utils import supported_cuba, default_cuba_value

class VALUETYPES(enum.IntEnum):

    SCALAR = 0
    VECTOR = 1
    STRING = 2

[docs]def points2edge(): """ Return a mapping from number of points to line cells. """ return defaultdict( lambda: vtk.vtkPolyLine().GetCellType(), {2: vtk.vtkLine().GetCellType()})
[docs]def points2face(): """ Return a mapping from number of points to face cells. """ return defaultdict( lambda: vtk.Polygon().GetCellType(), {3: vtk.vtkTriangle().GetCellType(), 4: vtk.vtkQuad().GetCellType()})
[docs]def points2cell(): """ Return a mapping from number of points to volume cells. """ return { 4: vtk.vtkTetra().GetCellType(), 8: vtk.vtkHexahedron().GetCellType(), 6: vtk.vtkWedge().GetCellType(), 5: vtk.vtkPyramid().GetCellType(), 10: vtk.vtkPentagonalPrism().GetCellType(), 12: vtk.vtkHexagonalPrism().GetCellType()}
[docs]def dataset2writer(): """ Return a mapping from dataset type to writer instances. """ return { vtkConstants.VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID: io.vtkUnstructuredGridWriter, vtkConstants.VTK_STRUCTURED_POINTS: io.vtkStructuredPointsWriter, vtkConstants.VTK_POLY_DATA: io.vtkPolyDataWriter}
[docs]def cuba_value_types(): """ Return a mapping from CUBA to VALUETYPE. """ types = {} for cuba in supported_cuba(): default = default_cuba_value(cuba) if isinstance(default, (float, int, long)): types[cuba] = VALUETYPES.SCALAR elif isinstance(default, str): types[cuba] = VALUETYPES.STRING elif isinstance(default, numpy.ndarray): types[cuba] = VALUETYPES.VECTOR return types