Core module

A module containing core tools and wrappers for paraview data containers used in simphony_paraview.


CUBADataAccumulator([keys, container]) Accumulate data information per CUBA key.


supported_cuba() Return a set of currently supported CUBA keys.
default_cuba_value(cuba) Return the default value of the CUBA key as a scalar or numpy array.
cuds2vtk(cuds) Create a vtk.Dataset from a CUDS container


points2edge() Return a mapping from number of points to line cells.
points2face() Return a mapping from number of points to face cells.
points2cell() Return a mapping from number of points to volume cells.
dataset2writer() Return a mapping from dataset type to writer instances.
cuba_value_types() Return a mapping from CUBA to VALUETYPE.


class simphony_paraview.core.cuba_data_accumulator.CUBADataAccumulator(keys=(), container=None)[source]

Bases: object

Accumulate data information per CUBA key.

A collector object that stores :class:DataContainer data into a vtkPointData or vtkCellData array containers where each CUBA key is an array.

The Accumulator has two modes of operation fixed and expand. fixed means that data will be stored for a predefined set of keys on every append call. Where expand will extend the internal table of values whenever a new key is introduced. Missing values will be stored using default_cuba_value().

expand operation

>>> accumulator = CUBADataAccumulator():
>>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=34))
>>> accumulator.keys
>>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(VELOCITY=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
>>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=56))
>>> accumulator.keys
>>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.TEMPERATURE])
array([ 34.,  nan,  56.])
>>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.VELOCITY])
array([[ nan,  nan,  nan], [ 0.1,  0.1,  0.1], [ nan,  nan,  nan]])

fixed operation

>>> accumulator = CUBADataAccumulator([CUBA.TEMPERATURE, CUBA.PRESSURE])
>>> accumulator.keys
>>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=34))
>>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(VELOCITY=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
>>> accumulator.append(DataContainer(TEMPERATURE=56))
>>> accumulator.keys
>>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.TEMPERATURE])
array([ 34.,  nan,  56.])
>>> vtk_to_numpy(accumulator[CUBA.PRESSURE])
[nan, nan, nan]
>>> accumulator[CUBA.VELOCITY]


Parameters:keys (list) – The list of keys that the accumulator should care about. Providing this value at initialisation sets up the accumulator to operate in fixed mode. If no keys are provided then accumulator operates in expand mode.

Get the list of accumulated values for the CUBA key.

Parameters:key (CUBA) – A CUBA Enum value
Returns:result (vtkDataArray) –

An array of data values collected for key. Missing values are assigned the default value as returned by :function:`~.default_cuba_value`.

Raises:KeyError – When values for the requested CUBA key do not exist.

The number of values that are stored per key


Append data from a DataContainer.

If the accumulator operates in fixed mode:

  • Any keys in self.keys() that have values in data will be stored (appended to the related key arrays).
  • Missing keys will be stored with the returned value of the default_cuba_value().

If the accumulator operates in expand mode:

  • Any new keys in Data will be added to the self.keys() list and the related list of values with length equal to the current record size will be initialised with the returned value of the default_cuba_value().
  • Any keys in the modified self.keys() that have values in data will be stored (appended to the list of the related key).
  • Missing keys will be stored with the returned value of the default_cuba_value().
Parameters:data (DataContainer) – The data information to append.

The set of CUBA keys that this accumulator contains.


Return a set of currently supported CUBA keys.


Return the default value of the CUBA key as a scalar or numpy array.

Int type values have -1 as default, while float type values have numpy.nan.


Create a vtk.Dataset from a CUDS container


Return a mapping from number of points to line cells.


Return a mapping from number of points to face cells.


Return a mapping from number of points to volume cells.


Return a mapping from dataset type to writer instances.


Return a mapping from CUBA to VALUETYPE.