Plugin module

This module simphony_paraview.plugin provides a set of tools to visualize CUDS objects. The tools are also available as a visualisation plug-in to the simphony library., select=None, testing=None)[source]

Show the cuds objects using the default visualisation.

  • cuds – A top level cuds object (e.g. a mesh). The method will detect the type of object and create the appropriate visualisation.
  • select (tuple(CUBA, kind)) – The (CUBA, kind) selection of the CUBA attribute to use. kind can be one of the {‘point’, ‘particles’, ‘nodes’, ‘elements’, ‘bonds’}
  • testing (callable(obj, event)) – A callable object that accepts an the interactor object and a time event. The callable will be executed after 1000 msec. This is commonly used for testing. Default value is None
simphony_paraview.snapshot.snapshot(cuds, filename, select=None)[source]

Save a snapshot of the cuds object using the default visualisation.

  • cuds – A top level cuds object (e.g. a mesh). The method will detect the type of object and create the appropriate visualisation.
  • filename (string) – The filename to use for the output file.
  • select (tuple(CUBA, kind)) – The (CUBA, kind) selection of the CUBA attribute to use. kind can be one of the {‘point’, ‘particles’, ‘nodes’, ‘elements’, ‘bonds’}